Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Wazzup!!And now, we take you to our second destination (do not be afraid; this is not final destination). We go to  IPB or Institute of Plant  Breeding. Here are some facts about I.P.B.:

 IPB has been at the forefront of plant breeding research and applications in the country.  Now, Dr. Jose E. Hernandez serves as the director of IPB and concurrent director of the Crop Science Cluster.

IPB serves to: (1) develop new and improved varieties of important agricultural crops; (2) undertake studies in plant breeding and allied disciplines related to crop improvement; (3) systematically collect, introduce, preserve, and maintain a germplasm bank of important and potentially useful agricultural and horticultural crops; and (4) assist other agencies in the multiplication of quality seeds and vegetative materials of recommended crop varieties.

 IPB now has a wide collection of germplasm that utilizes its collection for evaluation and distribution of important and potentially useful agricultural crops.  The collection ensures biodiversity, making traditional and wild varieties readily available for breeding new improved varieties.

In short, they help farmers  produce crops and support them if their is a shortage of seeds; produce biotechnology by using science; find new ways to protect the plants in fighting harmful diseases and insects. They also find ways on how to produce plants in extreme conditions like drought .

Here we will talk about our adventure. First, here are some plants we found in I.P.B:

1.Name of Organism
  • Common Name: Papaya
  • Scientific Name: Carica papaya L
  • Taxonomic Classification: Plantae
2. Characteristics
  • Sweet
  • Flesh is yellow-orange
  • Juicy 
  • Can reach up to 30 feet
3. Ecological Relationship
  • Producer
  • Helps cleanses the stomach;eat it before you sleep so in the morning you can go to the bathroom.

    our group mates house

    1. Name of Organism
    • Common Name:Kamatis/Tomato 
    • Scientific Name :Solanum lycopersicum 
    • Taxonomic Classification:  Plantae
    2. Characteristics
    • Herb
    • Red when ripe
    • Both a fruit and vegetable.
    • Juice used for asthma and bronchitis
    3. Ecological relationship
    • Tomatoes also contain lycopene, p-coumaric acid and cholorogenic acid, all possibly helpful in reducing cancer risks.   
    • Reduce the risk of blood clots, which can trigger heart attacks and strokes.

    1. Name of Organism
    • Common Name:Gumamela/hiniscus.
    • Scientific Name : Hibiscus  rosa-sinesis.
    • Taxonomic classification: Plantae .
    • Division  Angiospermophyta.
    2. Characteristics
    •  Can grow Up to 4 m.  high.
    • Can come in many colors.
    3. Ecological Relationship
    •  When it decomposes , it can be used as fertilizer and helps other plants grow.

    First we were sent to the lobby  of I.P.B then a lady went to us and talked about I.P.B and their history.The one who built that building was  late president Ferdinand Marcos, our tenth Filipino President. After the introduction she showed us some of there hybrid plants  and the hydro phonic plants they also do biotechnology,but they did not tell us that.   

    I.P.B helps farmers  produce better crops that can with stand  floods and droughts. They find ways also to cultivate plants without soil.
    Here is picture of hydro phonic plant:
    that is a tomato plant

    As you can see in this other picture, they use water. That's why it got its name hydro, meaning water and  phonics  pertaining to the phonic method of teaching . They use water mixed with minerals that can support the growth of the plant. The pot is a Styrofoam box used for shipping fruits.

    plant cloning  is an example of biotechnology the lady just talked  a bit about it, but we researched we  used it in our own words

    Cloning has been around for centuries. Cloning allows the gardener to replicate a genetically identical plant from a parent plant. The clone will have the exact same characteristics as the mother plant, the same growth habit, disease resistance, fruit shape, flower color .But now in the modern world cloning is much easer then the old days because we have modern technology 

    Smiley   +   Smiley    =     Smiley 

    hybrid plants hybrid plants are a mix of plants Hybrid plants are the result of cross-breeding similar varieties of parent plants. The goal is to produce desirable characteristics in the next generation, meaning that the hybrid seed will carry the newly combined and desirable genetic makeup. Plants have been doing this all by themselves for as long as they have been making seeds. for example they  mix breed corn and abaka the result would be a abacorn a mix of abaka and corn. they wont name abacorn they would name it CA1 because its not yet named they just tested it.
               Here is an example of it    

    We were toured around the compound. In one part of the compound, there was a lab where they study the plants. 

    So thats all folks! Stay tunned  for more of our adventure in the University of the Philippines Los Baños.


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