Friday, March 11, 2011


Oh, Hello there! For this post, we will be talking about the fourth site we went to during our feld trip to UP Los Banos, Laguna, the IRRI, or the International Rice Research Institute. Here are some facts about the IRRI:

 - The mission of the IRRI is:
  • to reduce poverty and hunger
  •  improve the health of rice farmers and consumers
  • ensure environmental sustainability through collaborative research, partnerships, and the strengthening of national agricultural research and extension systems
 - The IRRI aims to:
  • Reduce poverty through improved and diversified rice-based systems.
  • Ensure that rice production is sustainable and stable, has minimal negative environmental impact, and can cope with climate change.
  • Improve the nutrition and health of poor rice consumers and rice farmers.
  • Provide equitable access to information and knowledge on rice and help develop the next generation of rice scientists.
  • Provide rice scientists and producers with the genetic information and material they need to develop improved technologies and enhance rice production .

Common Name: Rice
Scientific Name: Oryza Sativa
Classification: Division Angiospermophyta

In the IRRI, we learned about rice, the tools they use in cultivating rice, and how they help the other farmers nationwide and globally.

Here are some pictures of tools used for collecting rice

Before we were sent to the museum, we were first brought to an auditorium were we watched  a short-ish long video that talked about what the IRRI does, and who the IRRI helps. In that video the IRRI also teached us how to take care of plants and how to see if the rice plant is already ready to be harvested.    


  1. Hi there, RECaJiInna! Wow, guys! We had a fun time reading your post!


    *Content - 8
    > We think you guys forgot to include what you expected to learn from IRRI.
    > We wanted to know more on what you learned in IRRI, what else did you guys learn?
    * Coherence - 5
    * Creativity - 5
    * Voice - 5
    * Mechanics - 4
    > There were some grammatical errors. Like in the last paragraph of your post, "...IRRI also teached us...." Teached is not a word, maybe taught would be better.
    * Text Layout - 5
    * Graphics & Multimedia - 5
    * Intellectual Honesty - 4

    TOTAL: 41/45

    We also just wanted to say congratulations to all of you for doing a good job!

    -Science Adventurers

  2. Here is the breakdown-ish of your score-ish:
    8, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4

    Total: 39/45
    Comment: 8/10
    Peer: 41/45

    GRAND-ish TOTAL-ish: 88
