Friday, March 11, 2011

6th Graders Vs. Steps

During our field trip, one of our stops was at the Makiling Botanical Gardens, which is located in the University of the Philippines Los Baños. More specifically, you can find the Makiling Botanical Gardens (MBG) at the slope of Mt. Makiling. And so, what is this place? It’s a protected sanctuary for flora and fauna. There, you can find a large tract of tropical forests, endemic and exotic plants, creeks and waterfalls, a wildlife collection, and a center for Philippine raptors (birds of prey, in case you didn’t know). Did we mention it also has picnic areas? Well, it does.

Before we entered MBG, we weren't expecting a hike. We thought we would be in an enclosed area where a scientist or someone would just tell us about the history of MBG and bring some plant examples. We were WRONG!  We really had a lot of exercise. Phew, just remembering that is tiring! We walked more than a hundred steps of stairs as we toured the garden area. Well, walking is healthy. But the scenery sure was beautiful! There were so many different species of plants, each kind unique.

On the bottom of MBG there is a river with huge boulders we did not reach that but one of our group mate already made that there when he was small.  

Through the experience at the Makiling Botanical Gardens, we learned that nature is something that is truly indescribable.  It's just so diverse, and no specie is the same with another. That's why we have to protect every type of organism on this planet. All of them have a purpose in the world, no matter how big or small.

Here are some species you can find at MBG: 

  • Common Name: Kapa- kapa
  • Scientific Name: Medinilla magnifica
  • Classification: Kingdom Plantae, Division Angiospermophyta
  • Evergreen shrubs
  • Leaves are opposite or whorled, or alternate in some species
  • Flowers are either pink or white in color
 Ecological Relationships
  • Producer 
  • Autotroph   

  • Common Name: Red Lauan
  • Scientific Name: Shorea teysmanniana 
  • Classification: Kingdom Plantae, Division Angiospermophyta  
  • Woody trunk
  • Can grow to be very tall
Ecological Relationship
  • Producer 
  • Autotroph

    And that's the end of our field trip. All our expectations were met. Actually, they were better than what we expected! After we went home, we were sad because we didn't want this fun day to end, but we were happy that we got to go through it. 

    The greatest lesson we learned here is that field trips can be used as bonding time for you and your friends. You might realize that they're actually like family. We also learned very important stuff about nature, dairy, and stuff about each other too. We're really grateful to Teacher Rye and the School for this truly memorable experience. We will never forget this experience because it was an amazing experience, and we grew in some way after we went through it.

    That's it for post 8, folks! Please check out the other posts regarding not only the field trip, but the other posts as well! We're nearing the end (this is the second to the last post)!



    Hehehehe that is nice .
    We're one big  family.
    That's a picture of all of our  (unbiological) brothers and sisters

      We salute you Sir Rye,teachers and kuya for supporting us, and letting us experience such a wonderful field trip!

    Thank you for reading this hope you had a great time reading this and we still have one last post before we end this.But, fear not! This blog shall live forever! 



    1. Hello RECAJINNA! We SUPER DUPER JUNIOR SCIENTISTS immensely adore your photos - creative and unique and glorious! It was the very best we have seen so far among all the posts we have visited. You guys are real pro's.

      On the content, we wish you shared just a little bit more about what you saw, complimenting the star-quality photos you took.

      What's important though is that your honesty about the lessons and how you felt came through - and that's worth reading!


      CONTENT--- 9/10
      COHERENCE --- 5/5
      CREATIVITY --- 5/5
      VOICE --- 5/5
      MECHANICS --- 5/5
      TEXT LAYOUT --- 4/5

      TOTAL SCORE: 43/45

      Awesome post Pro's!

    2. The Philippine Raptors wasn't there anymore. Too bad.

      Here is the breakdown of your score:
      10, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

      Total: 44/45
      Comment: 10/10
      Peer: 43/45

      GRAND TOTAL: 97

      This is the kind of post I've been waiting for from you!

      Where have you been all this time? Hay!

      And before I forget, congratulations!!!

      This post is awarded as best entry for post no. 8!
