Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Post #4: Let's talk about dairy!

Hoozah! We 6th graders, from both classes Lauan and Almaciga, finally had a field trip to UBLB or University of the Philippines, Los Baños! We were able to visit five destinations when we were there. We had a field trip to UP Los Baños so we could learn about certain plants and animals. Some of which are found here, in the Philippines, and some are found in other countries. We, group 3, had a lot of expectations for the field trip. A few of those expectations being: to learn lots of new things about plants, to learn lots of new things about animals, and to have loads of fun! Even before we left for UPLB, we were already looking forward to learning lots of new stuff!

Now, from the 5 destinations we were able to visit, in this post, we will be talking about the first one that we were able to visit- The Dairy Training and Research Institute (DTRI.) 

Our group, the third group, expected to learn more about milk and how to milk a cow/cattle properly. And our expectations have not been overlooked! We did learn about milk and how to milk a cow/cattle properly! We now know that we must massage the udder before milking it. Also, we learned that when you milk a cow, it can give about two liters of milk.
If you are in need of more details about cows, or cattle, please enlighten yourself with the details we have been able to provide by researching:

Organism 1:
  • Name: Cow
    • Common Name: Cow/cattle
    • Scientific Name: Bos Taurus
    • Classification: Class Mammalia
  • Characteristics:
    • Heavy body weight
    • Has udders
    • Big
  • Ecological relationship:
    • Consumer
    • Herbivore
  • Pictures:
Here is a picture of a man pushing a cart of milk.
Here is a picture of the cows we saw in the field trip.

these is where they keep the sperm collected from the male cows

These is what cows eat like sugar cane and stuff that are nutritious to their health and that helps them become big and strong.


  1. Hello there ReCaJiInna! We, the Earth Trotters think that your post, from the look of it, is very enjoyable. Also, we like your idea of putting the "reactions" column.

    Here is the breakdown of your score and below it is your total:

    Content (9/10)
    > Although, your post contained all the information needed, we think that you ended the it too soon. Maybe a little more words will help improve your post.
    Creativity (4/5)
    > The blog is creative, although we think that it is quite straightforward. Maybe a little color will help in the creativity of the blog.
    Voice (4/5)
    Mechanics (4/5)
    > We can't spot any grammatical or spelling mistakes, but we think that you repeat some phrases too much. Maybe if you use other descriptions for those phrases, the blog will be more interesting.
    Text Layout (4/5)
    > Try putting the pictures with the text
    Graphics & Multimedia (5/5)
    Intellectual Honesty (5/5)

    Total: 40/45

    Keep it up and we hope that our comments will help in the improvement of your blog!

    -The Wild,the Mild, The Child and the Wasabi

  2. Remember that the species should not begin in a capital letter.

    Here is the breakdown of your score:

    7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5

    Total: 37/45
    Comment: 8/10
    Peer: 40/45

