Sunday, February 13, 2011

Welcome to our blog :)

Welcome to Blog the Awesome!

This blog is where we will be talking about what we do in [science] class and other science-related experiences. We made this so we can share our experiences. :D

Our username is RECaJiInna (REH-KAH-JEE-NUH) because it's a combination of our names,
R(aine), E(nzo), Ca(mille), Ji(gger), and Inna.
RAINE -- the dudette who loves writing nonsense, reading, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, music, and some hot dude named Neil Etheridge. 
ENZO -- the dude who has no emotions/feelings... and the dude who plays guitar.
CAMILLE -- the quiet and not-so-innocent girl who loves writing, Harry Potter, and pandas... and maybe ducks :P
JIGGER -- a.k.a. BABYFACE. loves John Mayer, lego, and guns.
INNA -- loves Dave Days, Justin Bieber, her iPod, photography, music, and her hugpillow.

Yeah, we're crazy and insane, but we do some normal stuff too like playing with legos, PSPs, reading, taking photos and listening to music! Keep up with our blog so you'll read about our adventure to the outside world, and other stuff you may want to know about. xD

thanks for reading! 

LAUAN 2010`11

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! You already have quite a number of visitors, ayt?

    Your score: 40/45

    Keep it up!
