Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Post #3: Plants, Plants, and more PLANTS!

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Our 4th quarter CEO, or Creative Expansive Output, was about plants. We had to research on the Divisions we were assigned. Well, no, technically we were the ones to choose since we picked from pieces of paper... We were also given the choice to work in either pairs, groups, or individually.

Hello! Inna here! Just like our CEO last quarter, we had to report. But this time, we reported on plants. I, Inna the awesome Marquez, was the 6th to report. Therefore, I was to report on the Division Ginkgophyta which has only one species.

Hola, awesome reader of ours! It is I, Raine. As Inna mentioned above, for our Fourth Quarter CEO, we had to report. again. But this time, we reported on plants.  I was the one who reported after Inna so I was the seventh to report. I reported on the oh-so-awesome-like-this-blog Division Coniferophyta, or conifers. I worked with Berry Berry Gleek of blogitty blog-blog.

Hello there friends! My name is Camille! I reported on the Division Cycadophyta, or cycads, with my other friend, Hotaru, from the Science Gurus! I was the eighth to report, just after Raine!

Hi! This is Babyface, or commonly known as Jigger. I like guns and weapons and nerf guns! I also like--Oh right, back to the topic. I reported on The Division Gnetophyta, or Gnetophytes, which I had a hard time saying! I reported individually, and I was the ninth to report.

My name is Enzo. I was the second to the last to report with my groupmates, Spazmboi from Blogitty Blog-Blog and Ryuu from the Science Gurus. My topic was on the Class Monocotyledones, or Monocots.

Was it easier for us to prepare for this CEO than the last one?
Inna- Well, at first I thought it would be easier, since I had just learned that the Division I was reporting on only had one species. But no. It wasn't actually that easy. I worked individually; therefore, it was a little more challenging even if last quarter we all worked individually. And when I researched about it, it only had limited data in the internet. But, I searched some more... and more... and EUREKA! I found the right source!

Raine- For me it felt the same. Though I worked in a group, my groupmate and I kept to ourselves a lot so it was actually as if we were working individually the whole time. 
Camille- I don't think it made much difference too. But my groupmate and I both worked efficiently and we were able to present quite well, so we're really happy. t was much more fun working in a pair too. 
Jigger- I think it was a bit easier to prepare for this one because we already did it before. 
Enzo- It was easier to prepare for this CEO because we worked in groups.


 The advantages and disadvantages of working individually or in a group:
Being alone - Being alone could mean more work to do, and having no help from others. But on the plus side, if you didn't do quite well, there's no one else to blame.
Being  in a group - If you work in a group, you and your groupmate/s could help each other;you'd be doing less work than if you were by yourself; and sometimes, you could finish faster. The disadvantage, though, is even if your groupmate/s didn't do anything and you did all the work, in the end, you'd all still have the same score which isn't really fair.

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Did we encounter any problems during this project?
Inna- Like our blog about the animals, I had the same problem: Limited data in the internet. But I was able to resolve this problem. I searched, and searched and searched until I found several sources which approved the right data.
Raine- I also took a long time researching for this CEO. Almost all the websites I found contained different data from each other. But I continued searching and HUZZAH! I found the website which they all agreed with. :)
Camille- Not really, no. I didn't really have problems.
Jigger- I don't think I encountered any problems because I also learned alot about plants.
Enzo- The only problem I encountered was that we were given very limited time for this CEO.

We learned that...
  • We must protect and conserve our natural resources. 
  • We need to always do our best and work hard.
  • We can't use just one source when researching.
  • I learned that we need to use all our resources with caution. 
  • We need to pray to The Lord for help.
Here are some facts about our topic:

Ginkgophyta-  Gingkophyta is represented by one living species, Ginkgo biloba. This species is restricted to China where it may be extinct in the wild. The group was well represented during the Mesozoic with worldwide distribution.Today, Ginkgo biloba is widely planted as an ornamental. 

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Ginkgo biloba

Gnetophyta- Gnetophytes include three extant families and four genera. This lineage dates back only to the early Cretaceous in the fossil record and is widely considered to be the closest extant relative of the flowering plants.

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 Cycadophyta-  Cycads are a division or seed plants made up of only three living families. They are now of greater interest for their uniqueness than  for their ecological or economic importance. Members are scattered around the globe but are restricted to tropical or subtropical climates.

Cycas revoluta

Coniferophyta (also known as Division Pinophyta)- Conifers are cone-bearing seed plants with a vascular tissue. All  conifers today are woody plants , the great majority being trees with just a few being shrubs. Conifers are gymnosperms. 

Pinus resinosa

Monocotyledones- Monocotyledons are one of the most distinctive major lineages of angiosperms and traditionally have been paired with the Dicotyledons as the two main groups of flowering plants. Among the monocots are some of the largest families of angiosperms as well as some of the most economically important species of plants. Numerous vegetation types are dominated by monocots including grasslands, palm savannas, sedge meadows, and cattail marshes.
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P.S: We hope you like this blog  post and we also hope that you have learned a lot! Please keep visiting RECaJiInna! Bye for now!



Saturday, February 19, 2011

POST #2: Animals, Animals, Animals.

Animal Biodiversity-- That was the topic we had for our 3rd quarter CEO. The purpose for the reporting was to share the information we gathered about certain living organisms.  All the students in our class had to work alone so we had a total of 18 reporters. In this second post, we will be telling you about our experiences before, during, and after the reporting.

We had Inna, the first to report in the class. She reported on the 'somewhat-confusing' topic of Viruses. Raine, reported on the Kingdom Fungi, and was the fifth person to report. Jigger, who reported on the Phylum Porifera (sponges), was the 6th to report. Camille reported on Phylum Cnidaria (jellyfish, corals and other stingers), and was the 7th person to report, and Enzo, who reported on Class Amphibia and Class Reptilia, became the 16th person to report.

Of course, before we reported, we had to prepare for our presentations. There were a lot of ways we prepared for them. First, we had to research on the organism which we were assigned. Second, we had to list the important facts of what we had researched on. Third, We had to gather the data and make an outline. Fourth, we had to start making the handout, which had to be easy to read and understand, and the powerpoint which had to follow all the guidelines in making the most presentable one.

During the preparation for the project, we did encounter quite a few problems. Some of  which include: the limited data on the internet, not understanding some of the facts that we had read about, the time pressure, the minor changes that were sent to us the day, or two days before the reporting, and for some of us, it was hard to follow the format.

We didn't suffer so much from these problems. In fact, we did some things that helped us solve those problems. We became confident in what we were doing. It is always important to be confident in whatever we do. We researched a few weeks, or a week before the report, so we could gather enough data, and have enough time to prepare. We studied each and every data we had gathered. We were very careful in following the format. And, we prayed to the Lord for help and guidance in whatever we do.

And from these experiences, we have learned important lessons. We should always prepare for weeks, or a week, before the presentation. Basically, not to cram. XD And to always be confident and try our best to not be nervous in every report that we have. 

We hope that the information you just read will help you prepare with your reports. Always ask the Almighty Lord for guidance in your speeches or presentations. 

BTW, here are some information we had gathered about our topic.
What is a Virus?
Viruses may be defined as acellular organisms whose genomes consist of nucleic acid. They also obligately replicate inside host cells using host metabolic machinery and ribosomes to form a pool of components which assemble into particles to protect the genome and to transfer it to other cells.
They are distinct from other so-called virus-like agent such as VIROIDS and PLASMIDS and PRIONS 

What is a Fungi?
The Kingdom Fungi is a group of simple plants that have no chlorophyll. They are non-photosynthetic. Some species in this branch are edible and some aren't. 

What are Sponges? (Phylum Porifera)
Porifera comes from the Latin words "Porus,'' meaning 'pores' and ''Ferre,'' meaning 'to bear.' Hence, they are animals with pores. Poriferans, or sponges, as they are commonly known, are ancient animals. Fossils and molecular data put their origin at sometime around 650 million years ago, nearly back to the dawn of the animal life.

What are Cnidarians? (Phylum Cnidaria)
The name Cnidaria comes from the Greek word "cnidos," which means 'stinging nettle.'
Casually touching many cnidarians will make it clear how they got their name when their
nematocysts eject barbed threads tipped with poison.

What are Reptiles? (Class Reptilia)
The name "reptile" is generally applied to any of a group of ectothermic (cold-blooded) vertebrates in the Class Reptilia. Ectothermic means that they need an "outside" source of heat to generate adequate body heat. Reptiles must regulate their body temperature by behavior, either by basking in the sun to warm themselves, or by hiding under cover to keep cool.

What are Amphibians? (Class Amphibia)
Amphibians are creatures which spend part of their life in water and part of their life on dry
land. Frogs, toads and newts all start their lives as eggs. They hatch out as tadpoles which
breath through gills. As they grow, they develop lungs and legs, and are able to leave the
water and walk on land.

pictures and ex:

    virus   rabiesGo to fullsize image       

      fungi    trufflesGo to fullsize image     

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glass rope sponge    porifera

box jellyfish Go to fullsize imageCnidarians
  Reptilia black mamba    Search for black mamba snake bite

 amphibians poison dart frogGo to fullsize image
                                                                 P.S: hope you like this blog
                                                                      and you  will learn
                                                                     a lesson in this   blog!!;_ylt=Ala.sfBzzh.MgAQnB_Be7ySbvZx4?vc=&p=poison+dart+forg&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-892;_ylt=A2KJkK15mWNNOkkAVDGJzbkF?fr2=sg-gac&sado=1&p=black%20mamba&fr=yfp-t-892&ei=utf-8&x=wrt

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Welcome to our blog :)

Welcome to Blog the Awesome!

This blog is where we will be talking about what we do in [science] class and other science-related experiences. We made this so we can share our experiences. :D

Our username is RECaJiInna (REH-KAH-JEE-NUH) because it's a combination of our names,
R(aine), E(nzo), Ca(mille), Ji(gger), and Inna.
RAINE -- the dudette who loves writing nonsense, reading, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, music, and some hot dude named Neil Etheridge. 
ENZO -- the dude who has no emotions/feelings... and the dude who plays guitar.
CAMILLE -- the quiet and not-so-innocent girl who loves writing, Harry Potter, and pandas... and maybe ducks :P
JIGGER -- a.k.a. BABYFACE. loves John Mayer, lego, and guns.
INNA -- loves Dave Days, Justin Bieber, her iPod, photography, music, and her hugpillow.

Yeah, we're crazy and insane, but we do some normal stuff too like playing with legos, PSPs, reading, taking photos and listening to music! Keep up with our blog so you'll read about our adventure to the outside world, and other stuff you may want to know about. xD

thanks for reading! 

LAUAN 2010`11