Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Grand Finale

Well, dear readers, here is the final installment in our Science CEO: The Blogging Project. It was a project to share aimed to share our knowledge in Science (plus our adventures) via the worldwide web. This has been more than a class activity, and it's worth more than grades. A whole lot more. This is a way we can share and express with the world what WE think, because it's worth something.

Beforehand, our group, RECaJiInna,  talked about how we were going to do this project. We had to decide on a name for our blog, which had to be unique and at the same time describe each of us in our group. We decided that a mash-up of our names would be the easiest way to do that. Then we had to communicate with each other the tasks we were assigned to do to make this blog look GOOD. Everyone in the group needed to participate actively so that he/she may have a part in the blog as an important member.

At first, we encountered the amateur mistakes because we were new to this whole blogging thing. We explored the things we could do with the layout and finally, we became familiar with the settings.  Our main problem for the blog was when we didn't understand what the other members were doing, and bad communication usually leads to problems. We fixed these problems later on as we had group discussions, either through YM conferences or face-to-face in school. We were able to edit our mistakes, typos and grammar errors thanks to comments from other groups and our teacher. Thankfully, we made it through! And, voila! We present our blog!

If we were asked to do this again, we would agree to do it in a heartbeat. No hesitation! This is F-U-N! And it's the type of intelligent fun you find in a learning experience like this! You can learn something new, you can express what your feeling, you get to explore the world (and your computer) and you bond with your friends. We would definitely do this again, and we think future batches would enjoy doing this too!

We don't really think the way the CEO was handles should be changed. It was an organized method, and we easily knew what we were supposed to be writing about and who we should be commenting on by just visiting

The most important thing we learned in this project is to be sincere. Trust in God, and he'll lead you to success! We are all different, and there's no reason to hide that. We each have our own beliefs, and even if given the same topic, we'll each have a different way on how we interpret that. But no matter how different we are, we all fit together.Doing this blog, as well as reading the other groups' blog, helped us understand that.

And so, thank you to everyone out there who's supported us and read our blog! We hope you learned as much as we have in this experience, and we hoped you enjoyed the ride! Thank you to everyone who voted for RECaJinna, it really meant a lot to us!

Thank you VERY MUCH to Teacher Rye for giving us this experience, as well as all the others. Sir, thank you for putting up with our noise and times we were extremely annoying. Thank you for teaching us Science in a way which would make us remember what we learn. Thank you for the FIELDTRIP to UPLB, thank you for the lectures, thank you for helping us grow. But most of all, sir, thank you for believing in us, even though sometimes we ourselves would not. You've been a great teacher, and you've helped make our final crusade here at the TLT one of the best times of our lives. We'll really miss you, Sir.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really impressed of how you learned and how you've grown with all of these experiences. As I would always point out in class, always put your best foot forward in anything that you do!

    May these realizations be you lifelong principles as you endure more of life's fascinating surprises!

    For now, here is the breakdown of your score:

    30, 8, 7, 6, 10, 10, 9, 10

    Total: 90/105
